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Enabling Exporting - a guide to managing export-related risk

The UK is already a major global exporter and importer but, according to the latest HMRC statistics, exports have remained flat for the last two years, whilst imports have grown steadily.

It seems the appetite of UK businesses to export has shrunk, even while demand from the global economy has grown.

“The biggest risk is missing the opportunity. People focus too much on the potential harm that they come to when trying to export. The risk can be managed by good planning. The real risk is missing out on the good demand that is out there.”
UK Export Finance

Our motivation for creating this report was the belief that many of our business clients, small, medium and large; would like to tap into customer bases overseas, but are deterred by the risks and many financial challenges – real and perceived – involved in setting up and selling outside the UK.

In the production of this report, we spoke to Government experts, industry specialists and successful exporters to identify the risks associated with exporting, how best to manage them and what support is available for businesses taking that first leap into the unknown.

This report covers:

Exporting today

A review of the current environment, the barriers that exist and the impact of the Brexit factor.

Insight from successful exporters

Finalists from the National Business Awards’ New Exporter of the Year category share their learnings.

Where to begin

So, you’ve decided to export, where do you start? And more importantly, what help exists to improve your chances of success.

Getting on top of the risks

Advice from specialists in supply chain, trade credit, cargo and product liability on managing the common pitfalls of exporting.

Download report

Click the link below to download the report from our QBE European Operations website. You may be asked to register your details to download the publication.